Thursday, October 30, 2014

Last night's class raised a lot of interesting ideas about revolution and energy. For this post I would like to focus on revolution and get a good dialogue going like we do in class for this blog with a lot of back and forth comments to challenge and question each other.

We developed 4 excellent definitions of revolution:
1. dealt with the idea that revolution is the movement the follows a change in belief of truth/paradigms (I know I don't have all of it here so please feel free to post the actual definition that you guys developed)

2. introduced the idea of revolution being a cradle to grave process that replaces the paradigm of a culture

3. that revolution is an ever changing/growing/adapting term that results from complex interactions between people, environment and ideas to bring something novel

4. dealt with the idea that revolutions can be cyclic, specifically leaving out certain words like novel or culture (I can't remember quite what the phrasing was on this one, it would be awesome if one of your group could post it)

From these definition questions were raised about:

  •    the meaning and range of culture: how many people does a change need to reach before it can be a revolution, one? a country?; if a culture can be defined as any group/number of people, what implications does that have on what a revolution is                                                                
  • what role does time play into revolutions: cradle to grave? no significance? Immediate change over long term?                                                                                                                                 
  • does a complete shift in paradigm have to occur before something is a revolution?                        
  • does a paradigm have to be fully rejected before a revolution takes place? does something novel have to be achieved for a revolution? (we mentioned that some social revolutions are chain affects, one country overthrows a dictator and then a neighboring country follows suite, is it still a revolution?  for the 'copy cat' country)                                                                                                                     
  • discovering truth vs paradigm shift (same thing or different?)
We began some really interesting discussions on some of these but I would like to open up that discussion again for people to challenge or ask for explanation of an idea or to pose their own opinions. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The Future of Energy

Assuming our species is around for another few hundred years, there is no doubt that we will at some point in the future completely exhaust our fossil fuel resources. The looming threat of depletion of accessible fossil fuels combined with the effects greenhouse gases have on our climate should indicate to us that it is time to enact a change. To make a successful transition from our current systems to a form of clean renewable energy would require massive amounts of change in a short period of time, and to me this hints at the idea of revolution.

The few options available to us now including nuclear and bio fuel face considerable setbacks, the largest of which is currently cost efficiency. Assuming fossil fuels become too expensive to manufacture in the near future, which of our current options do you think will take the lead?

While making predictions about when, and how we will make the switch is a difficult task, I think speculation is still valuable in spreading forward thinking regarding energy use. How to you think the energy revolution will happen? What do you think the social and economic or even geopolitical implications will be?

Here are some links with relevant information:

Science and Ethics in Revolution

I found this really interesting article about keeping ethics present in scientific revolutions, and how the notion of not prioritizing ethics is unimaginable. Even the most technical scientific ideas have humanitarian elements that cannot be ignored. At first I found this article to be abstract because it was linking ideas such as inertia to human existence and ethical reflections. The article, however, proved to me that these ideas are not that different and integrate together beautifully. The fact that I thought the ideas too different to be joined speaks to the separation of science and humanities present in society today.

Article Link:

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Hey guys.

Right now, 100,000 people are meeting in Hungary to protest the taxation of the internet. This is a topic that we didn't bring up during our discussion about human rights. What about the right to the internet without taxation? Should all people be able to access the internet without being taxed by the government? Should internet be free for all and taken out of the hands of private companies?

Edit: There is basically nothing in the declarations of human rights that we read during class. This is clearly a sign that our rights declarations are very outdated. Do you guys think that this movement will add the right to internet without taxation in rights declarations, or should this not be considered a right in the first place?

Our Funding Structure Limiting Scientific Revolution?

Our system of funding science in the United States has always been something that I've been passionate about, and since this week's readings reminded me of the topic, I thought I'd bring up a few broad ranging questions.

The section we read from the structure of scientific revolution posed three "types" of science: solved problems, partially solved problems, and unsolved problems. Most science falls into the middle section according to Kuhn, while revolutionary problems typically (but not universally) fall under the third category. As such, the majority of academic science funding (>50%) comes from the NSF, with other governmental agencies providing substantial sources as well. While I think nationally funded science is fantastic and something every country should be doing at large scales, I see a few problems with the system. Grants are by nature competitive, and therefore beg applications from Kuhn's "middle" category, in my opinion. The stakes of failure are so high in the third category of untouchable problems with a small chance at success. However, partially solved problems provide enough merit to make a career out of and are a much safer option in terms of funding your research.

Therefore, is our system designed in such a way that limits scientific revolution? Not quite. Revolutions in science and technology continue to happen. I have no idea on where to get data for examining how the rate of "revolutions" has changed over time as its speculative in nature, but I might look into it anyways. That being said, I think the system discourages young scientists from pursuing the "big questions".

Diversifying funding and providing extra incentives for revolutionary ideas might be one direction towards improving the situation, but I'm interested in hearing the class' opinion. Is the system working? What can/should be done? Is science behind where it could be? Is taking the "comfortable" path something to be ashamed of?

Monday, October 27, 2014

Gay Blood Donation

Hello All!

At the end of my presentation last week there were some questions about gay blood donation (or the lack thereof). I hope to answer some of those questions.

But first, a story. My senior year of high school I wanted to give blood for the first time. I was finally of age (over 16, I was still 17) and I met all requirements, so I thought. I signed up for my time slot and naturally got really excited. It was my first time to really do something good for someone else. Heck, I may even save a life. When my time came I went to courtyard and started the process. I filled out some paperwork and then got asked a line of questions. I passed everything except the last question. They asked if I had had any sexual contact with a man since 1975. In order to answer honestly I had to say yes. They then asked me to leave.

I wasn't old enough to vote, but I was old enough to face direct discrimination.

Now, the facts. In 1983 the FDA implemented a ban on gay blood donation in the United States. Any man who had any sort of sexual contact with a man since 1975 was no longer able to donate blood. Their reasoning surrounding the HIV/AIDS scare that was then labeled as the 'gay disease'. The ban still stands today. Since, at the time, gay men had a higher chance of having any sort of STD/STI then their blood was seen as too risky. This disregards the premise that all blood is tested for STDs/STIs and that more STDs/STIs are transferred (percentage wise) through heterosexual couples than homosexual couples nowadays. Even with many different marches (especially from college students), medical pushes, and protests, the FDA has yet to lift the ban.

In the United States, gay sex means a lifetime ban on blood donation. This discrimination is not unique to the US though. Countries form all over the world either completely ban gay blood donation or create deferral periods. Either way, the countries law directly discriminates based on stereotypes and cultural norms.

It is incidents like this that prove that the queer rights revolution means much more than just marriage and protection. The overall lack of awareness on this issue (and others like it) shows how far the movement needs to go. Whenever a donation happens on campus, it alienates certain sects of the population. Personally, each blood donation sign doesn't show me the way to help, but instead it shows me how I am secondary to my peers. This laws makes me not only vulnerable because I constantly have to admit something about myself, but also dirty to the practitioners I must deny.

P.S. A note on the 9 million LGBTQ+ people statistic: it is true that there is no way of predicting how many LGBTQ+ people exist in the United States. Gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, romantic orientation, and sex all exist on a spectrum of sorts. Because of this, it is impossible to label how many people within the community exist because of not only the breadth of identities (and the impossible ability to put a point on where the direct line exists) but also because of the fluidity of the spectrums. I put this statistic up to show that there has been an increase in people identifying as LGBTQ+ since Harry Hay started the revolution. I am sorry if I created any confusion.

Blood Donation Questionnaire:

Throw back Monday to our discussion of Virginia Woolf's "A Room of One's Own" and specifically to our discussion of Shakespeare's sister.

3 disgusting ways independent, talkative women were tortured and shamed in Shakespeare's England

This article gives a little more insight in to how Shakespeare's sister would have suffered for expressing the same creativity and independence of thought as Shakespeare during this era. This article also points out the irony of how this harsh repression took place during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a revolutionary, unmarried, independent, and outspoken woman.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Our Right to Thought?

S. African Bill of Rights:

"Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion." 

Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights:

"a) Every person has the right to express his thoughts and beliefs so long as he remains within the limits prescribed by the Law. No one, however, is entitled to disseminate falsehood or to circulate reports which may outrage public decency, or to indulge in slander, innuendo or to cast defamatory aspersions on other persons."

Universal Declaration of Human Rights: 

·         "Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance."

               In these declarations, it appears to me as though the freedom to thought is oftentimes grouped with freedom of religion. Further, in the US Bill of Rights, the word thought is omitted entirely, and a paragraph defining our right to religion is given instead. Naturally, it seems clear that an oppressive entity would have difficulty in governing our thoughts; they're in our heads, personal, and only exist to another by proxy - our words and actions. So I might understand how this particular freedom may not receive as much attention as some of the others. However, there is a fine line between patriotism and indoctrination. Not to give our presentation away too much, but this is one of the most fundamental tactics used in North Korea, where more is created from very little by manipulating the thoughts of its people. But on the other hand, patriotism for one's own country, along with a little healthy bias (American exceptionalism?) can go a long way towards the functionality of a nation. So this leads to the question: how does one actually ensure freedom of thought amidst all the information being thrown at us on a daily basis? And how much is too much: should a balance be struck, or should striving towards absolute freedom of thought take precedence over all?

I found this article doing some side research on the revolution in Egypt and I thought it was an interesting follow up after watching the Square. The interview itself is posted below but the webpage is above. Samuel Tadros is considered an 'authentic liberal' from Egypt and is the author of the books Motherland Lost and also Reflections on the Revolution in Egypt.

MJT: You make a strong case in your book that the Egyptian revolutionaries commonly described as liberals are not really liberals. So who are these people really, and why do you suppose the West misunderstood them?
Samuel Tadros: They are really an amalgam of groups and individuals who took a stand against Mubarak. Some of them were Nasserists whose complaint with the regime was that it abrogated the promises made by Gamal Abdel Nasser [after the military coup of 1952]. They were upset about Mubarak’s internal policies as well as his policies toward Israel and the United States. Others were revolutionary socialists unhappy with the regime’s economic policies.
Most of the original revolutionaries before the crowds joined in were Nasserists and socialists, though some were what we could call proto-liberals. These were intellectuals who didn’t have strong convictions, and they didn’t really understand political liberalism, but the word “liberal” sounded good to them. Communism was less attractive to these people after the fall of the Soviet Union. Everyone abroad was talking about liberalism in Egypt, donors were seeking like minded Egyptians, so some Egyptians adopted the label for themselves without really understanding liberal ideas.
The West misunderstood them because of the natural tendency to find a good guy in the story, someone who looks like yourself. It’s hard to tell Americans there are no good guys. Everyone who was not an Islamist and not a supporter of the Mubarak regime assumed that role, but hardly anyone examined what these people were actually saying. Many of the revolutionary socialists, for instance, were offended when they were called liberals.
MJT: When the revolutionary socialists hear the word “liberal,” what do they think that means?
Samuel Tadros: Of all the groups in Egypt, the revolutionary socialists have the best understanding of political liberalism, partly because they are so strongly against it. They are especially against liberal economic policy. They don’t want an open economy. They’re also strongly opposed to procedural democracy. They don’t want to limit it only to the political sphere. They think it should be implemented everywhere, especially in the workplace. They want it inside companies between owners and employees.
The revolutionary socialists understand liberalism, but the other groups have only a shallow understanding of it. Some of them claimed to be liberals, but their behavior was extremely anti-liberal. They say they support human rights, but only for themselves, not for other people, especially people they’re against politically. Their discourse is extremely anti-Semitic and they tortured people in Tahrir Square.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone given the lack of liberal discourse in Egypt. It would be impossible to find five books in Arabic that stand for liberalism. The great canon of Western civilization is not available in Arabic.
MJT: Expand a bit on that torture business. Those incidents aren’t widely known outside Egypt.
Samuel Tadros: The core revolutionaries believed the Mubarak regime was pure evil, that it was all powerful, and that nobody supported it. So any person they encountered who was against the revolution was automatically assumed to be working for this enormous powerful state. Anyone who disagreed with the protestors was accused of working for the secret police.
I’m sure Mubarak had informers in Tahrir Square. Any regime would have sent informers down there. But the revolutionaries didn’t know who these people were, and they created a small prison inside the square for people arrested by the revolutionaries. They conducted justice in the square as if it were an independent state. You can see videos on YouTube of people who were tortured by the revolutionaries, who were arrested and beaten.
This revolutionary justice, the taking of the law into their own hands, was seen again when police stations were attacked with Molotov cocktails. Policemen were beaten and killed in the streets. The revolution is often described as peaceful, but that’s not entirely correct. It was peaceful compared with the civil war in Syria, but more than 800 people were killed during the 18 days before Mubarak was removed from power. Police stations were burned and ransacked. Weapons were stolen. There was a lot of violence then.
MJT: Your book includes a sentence that really struck me. You wrote that the revolutionaries were completely ignorant of the country they sought to transform. How could they be so ignorant of their own country, and what exactly did they not understand?
Samuel Tadros: Egypt is a large country. There are around 90 million people, but 20 million people live in one city. It’s tempting to be blinded by Cairo. It’s a humongous city. So it’s not surprising that people who spend all their days in Cairo and only leave to go to the north coast on vacation would mistake Cairo for Egypt. Many of them have hardly seen the rest of the country.
They also saw the revolution as a struggle between black and white, between good and evil, between a corrupt regime and forces for change. That kind of struggle doesn’t require people to get involved in the details of the society. They didn’t want to see any gray in the story. For them, it had to be black and white.
And they don’t understand how politics really works. They entered politics through the human rights NGOs, which are inflexible and demanding, rather than the traditional method which requires you to visit villages, campaign, mobilize the vote, and make compromises with your opponents.
MJT: What do you think of Egypt’s new ruler General Sisi?
Samuel Tadros: He’s an extremely problematic figure. For someone who is now becoming Egypt’s president, for a long time we didn’t know much about him. He’s had an exceptional rise to power to say the least. But now we can see who the man really is, and it’s not pretty.
His view of the state’s relationship to the society is totalitarian. He’s not Adolf Hitler or Josef Stalin, but he sees no separation between the state and anything else. He views every aspect of the public and private sphere as an organic part of the state. When he talks about religion, for example, he says it’s his job as Egypt’s president to oversee the morals of the society. He thinks the media must work in harmony with the state in order to further Egypt’s national interest. Every businessman is expected to work in a harmonious way with the state.
MJT: He isn’t Hitler, but he does look a bit like Mussolini.
Samuel Tadros: He’s completely ignorant of how economics works. He’s probably a competent military officer. He can do the things he’s supposed to be good at—managing soldiers and tanks, etc. But he doesn’t understand the complexity of the modern economy.
And he did not view himself as a candidate who needed to win the support of the people. He viewed the people’s demonstrations against the Muslim Brotherhood as support for himself. He expects people to support him. He does not seem to think anyone should expect anything from him as a candidate. He had no campaign platform.
And lastly he’s a man with a very bad temper. Ministers who served with him after the coup said he banged his fists on the table whenever he heard something he didn’t like. He was easily provoked during media interviews, and these interviews were completely controlled by the military. Even then we saw outbursts of anger.
MJT: What’s the deal with his government claiming it found the cure for the HIV virus?
Samuel Tadros: That’s North Korean level lunacy. The military held a press conference and claimedEgypt found the cure for HIV and Hepatitis C. They say they can cure it with a device that looks similar to the device used to find bombs.
The public was shocked when the military announced this.
Ibrahim Abdel-Atti says the machine transforms the virus into nutrition. “I take AIDS from the patient,” he said, “and feed the patient on AIDS. I give it to him as a kebab skewer to feed on. I take the disease and I give it to him as food.” I’m not exaggerating. That’s actually what he said. The military claimed that by next year the entire country will be cured of HIV and Hepatitis C.
MJT: Did anybody actually believe this?
Samuel Tadros: Unfortunately, yes. There are those who under pressure will relent and say it’s probably crazy, but many people are afraid of what this tells us about our military. They don’t want to face the fact that lunatics are running the country.
MJT: Sisi has basically declared war on the Muslim Brotherhood, but I doubt that’s a war he can win.
Samuel Tadros: It depends on how you define the word “win.” The Brotherhood’s organization has been dealt a heavy blow, but that’s different from political Islam as an ideology. Political Islam won’t disappear any time soon, the reasons for the emergence of Islamism, the crisis of modernity and Egypt’s failure to find a place for itself under the sun are still there and there is no political ideology that can compete with Islamism at the moment, but the organization itself has really been hurt. The Brotherhood recruitment has stopped for eleven months. There are no new members joining the ranks.
The weekly meetings have been disrupted. Not only the first tier of leadership, but also the second and third tiers of leadership are in prison. So I think it’s possible for Sisi to win a war against the organization.
But where will the rest of the members go if there is no organization? There are hundreds of thousands of them. And these are not like people who decide to join the Democratic or Republican parties in the US where they can leave any time they want at the first sign of trouble. Muslim Brotherhood members commit five to eight years of their lives to become accepted. They study hard and are examined five times, and they go through all this despite personal risk to themselves. It was no fun becoming a Muslim Brotherhood member under Hosni Mubarak. They were often arrested. They spent time in jail. Their promotions might have been affected. Their businesses might have been confiscated. These people were extremely committed to the cause.
Where will they go? That’s the big question.
MJT: I worry they’ll become more extreme and violent. What else are they going to do? It’s either that or quit, right? And like you said the Muslim Brotherhood isn’t an easy thing to quit.
Samuel Tadros: Definitely. But that doesn’t necessarily mean they will become jihadis.
Islamism has been dealt tremendous blows. It’s still powerful as an ideology, but all the methods attempted to achieve it have failed. Ayman al-Zawahiri may be correct in pointing out to the Muslim Brotherhood that their attempt to work within the political system has failed, but his approach hasn’t been successful either. Thirteen years after the September 11 attacks, what has he accomplished? The jihadis are no closer to achieving the dream than the Brotherhood.
Look at the failures of the jihadists and the fighting between jihadists in places like Syria between ISIS and Nusra. Is that what people should aspire to? Salafism hasn’t been successful either, nor is educating people and transforming them one step at a time.
So we’ve reached an interesting moment in history. The ideology remains coherent and powerful, but all the means to achieve it are proven failures. Where does that leave us? That’s the question.
MJT: Do you know the answer?
Samuel Tadros: Some of the Muslim Brotherhood members will become jihadis, but others will move to what I would call revolutionary Islamism, which would be violent but not jihadist. That may sound contradictory, but I’m talking about a low-level violent insurgency within the cities. Not car bombs in markets, but throwing Molotov cocktails at police stations. They will kill police officers, but they won’t mount sophisticated military operations like the jihadists in Syria. They will focus on traditional revolutionary activities in the streets.
We already have seen the beginnings of such a movement even before the coup. Young people who gathered around azem Salah Abu Ismail and formed Hazemoon. It would make Ali Shariati, the Iranian Shia scholar, quite proud. It’s a mixture of Islamism and a Marxist discourse on the people in one package. This would be a tremendous development. Sunni Islam has never been revolutionized in this way before.
MJT: Right. The Iranian revolutionaries were like that in 1979.
If President Obama were to ask you for advice on formulating a new Egypt policy, what would you tell him?
Samuel Tadros: That’s the toughest question in the world.
A lot of people think the US is extremely limited in what it can accomplish, but I disagree. The Brotherhood strongly reacts to public pressure, especially Western public pressure. If Washington had tried to force the Brotherhood to abide by certain standards, the Brotherhood might have decided to take a slower route.
As for Sisi, there is an important debate in Washington about human rights, about American values versus American interests, but I think that blinds us to another serious question. Will Egypt’s new regime advance American interests in the first place?
MJT: I don’t think so.
Samuel Tadros: Two points concern me in particular. One is the very strong anti-American conspiracy theories that are being sponsored and spread by the Egyptian regime. This government isn’t acting at all like a friend or ally of the United States and what it’s doing will have powerful ramifications, not only on Egyptian views of the US but also on actual events.
For instance, the names of Egyptian employees at the US Embassy were published in newspapers and they were attacked as traitors. An employee at the embassy was arrested and accused of being a secret link between the American conspiracy and the Muslim Brotherhood.
And there’s the question of whether Sisi’s policies toward the Muslim Brotherhood is creating a larger problem for the US in the future. He might think he can control the situation in the Sinai, but that will take a very long time if it ever even occurs. Will his actions create a higher risk of attacks in the Suez Canal? Will his actions create more radicalization in Egypt? These are things the US needs to be thinking about.
I haven’t yet answered you about what President Obama should do, but I think the real question should be whether or not the regime will help US interests.
MJT: I doubt it.
Samuel Tadros: I doubt it too. But that doesn’t mean the US and Egypt should become completely detached. US interests in Egypt are complicated—stability, the right of passage on the Suez Canal, the right for planes to cross Egyptian air space, Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel, and Egypt as a potential moderate force in the region in general.
But I think there is a tendency in the US to view Egypt as more important than it really is. That’s partly a result of the Cold War. The Egypt that forged a strategic relationship with America in the 1970s no longer exists. Egypt is not such a powerful state anymore. Egypt’s previous role has been filled by a variety of states, including Saudi Arabia and even Qatar. I don’t think this realization has hit Washington yet.
MJT: What about the US aid money to the Egyptian government? Should we cut if off? I’m increasingly convinced that we should.
Samuel Tadros: If you cut off the aid money the question is, what happens next? Egypt would be shocked, partly because the government views that money as its natural right. They signed the treaty with Israel for US money. That was the deal. And Egypt kept its end of the bargain. There’s a strong sense of entitlement there.
The government even thinks it should get more money because inflation has made it worth less than in the 1970s.
Thanks to the rampant conspiracy theories and anti-Semitism, the government believes the US is completely controlled by the Jews, which means they’re safe as long as they maintain the relationship with the United States and keep the peace. As long as they do that, the US would never dare touch them.
They think they understand the US, but they don’t. And US policy has reinforced this belief. They truly believe that no matter what they do, the aid will never be touched.
If the aid is cut tomorrow, it will send powerful shock waves through Egypt. And Egypt will not turn to Russia. Russia can’t sustain or become a sponsor of a country like Egypt. And Egypt can’t just change its military doctrine, its equipment, and its weaponry over to the Russian system. That would take a generation.
So if you cut off the aid money, it will create an enormous shock in Egypt that would lead to a reassessment of everything. They would be forced to re-examine their policies and how they’ve been conducting themselves. Money from the Gulf might replace the money Egypt receives from the US, but it can’t replace the prestige attached to its relationship with the US. Sisi studied at a US military academy for a year. So did the minister of defense. Those relationships are much more important than the money the Gulf can supply.
MJT: Would the Egyptian government’s reassessment push it in a good direction or a bad direction?
Samuel Tadros: In a good direction, I think. It would destroy their entire understanding about how the world works and force them to change.