Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Spoken Word Poetry

Hey all!

In honor of the poetry slam this week here are some spoken word poets that have performed on TED talks. There's some really great stuff here. I really enjoyed listening to the poems Lincoln brought in when we first started this section, as I had never really listened to much spoken poetry. I wanted to add the aspect of sight as well, figuring it would bring even more reality to the poem. Being able to see their facial expressions and body gestures while they recite did just that. Hopefully you enjoy them as much as I did! If your time is limited, there are a few short ones, less than five minutes, included in the collection as well.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Alex,

    Thanks for posting. I really enjoyed he synesthesia provoked here, both in the visual sense of their slam poetry, but also in the metaphor of spoken word as folded origami. This synesthesia, which we discussed in the first block of the course, is a extremely powerful tool to communicate emotions through the use of multiple senses that combine in different ways. I look forward to the slam tonight to see if the slam poets evoke multiple senses within me to communicate their ideas.


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